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What Are Your Sales People Doing Now

What are your sales people doing in the off season? Yes, it’s hot. Yes, it’s summer.

Are they out and about, knocking on doors yet? Yes – for THIS coming winter. Successful sales people are out right now, searching for new clients to quote. Many, many savvy customers are “on the street” seeking competitive proposals for this coming winter. Well….at least the successful people I know are doing that. Renewals should be all done by now – and the concentrati

on should be geared towards new business.

If they are looking for things to do – then you are not managing them properly. Force the issue. Set goals for them to achieve – but don’t go to the point where you are asking/demanding they close new business just yet. Set the goals around “quotes out”. Set the goal for the summer/fall season, and then break it down by month. And THEN, break it down by week. Have them turn in the amounts of their “quotes out” on a weekly basis. After a few weeks it becomes habit.

Then, once a month sit with them and discuss their progress. Force the issue. With no structure, they will likely fail in your eyes – and it might not be their fault if you do not have a plan for them to follow.

Remember – if they have no goals to strive for, they will certainly achieve it (no goal).

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