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Writer's pictureTeam CrewTracker

Schedule, Track, and Record

Scheduling crews, tracking time spent on sites and accurate record keeping are all viable concerns of the growing snowplowing contractor. It is relatively easy to grow a snowplowing business, but keeping that business requires organization. Most (but not all) contractors find that utilizing subcontractors in order to grow their operation is the simplest (and often the cheapest) way to add to your current volume. Once you begin to make the move to utilizing subcontractors accurate record keeping becomes paramount to your profit margin and your continued viability as a plowing contractor. Growing your business means ‘letting go’ of that hands on control you had when you were out there plowing alongside your entire crew. Now you might not actually see a site for three or four snowfalls, or you might not drive onto the site yourself all season long.

Most successful contractors around the country that I have the opportunity to work with arrive at basically the same system – they just get there via different paths. How do you keep track of what is happening when you cannot see it yourself? The answer is both simple and complex, at the same time. That answer is “Systems”. A Company needs concrete systems in place that can be passed on from supervisor, to subcontractor, to office staff.

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